Rsonist (TheHeatMakerz) Featuring DR - On My Way (Dir. By UptownsPhinest)

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Eye Candy Model - Vanessa Ramirez

This is young lady on the rise, and she is Hot! Hot! Hot! Vanessa Ramirez is as appealing to look at as she is to talk with. What  type of impression would one get talking with her?  It would  probably be that she's a down to earth, fun loving, ambitious young lady, barely out her teens.  Don't get it twisted though, she is all about her business, and in high demand. That is probably why Playboy wants her.  So folks, enjoy her now because Hollywood is calling for her.  There are more photo's after the jump.

 ...more to come soon!

Follow her on Twitter/@_vanessaramirez for bookings or MARLAROCK@LIVE.COM 646.377.0801

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Vanessa Ramirez on Twitter